@bad_internet, that's a perfectly valid concern. Are you able to conduct a couple of speed tests for us? I'd need an example of a speed test performed over Ethernet as well as WiFi. Even on the basic speed tier, we'd expect customers to have a reasonable web browsing experience. Speed of between 3-5 Mbps should even allow for HD streaming.

Yes, The internet is bad. Though there is a good side, It has led to many extreme people being able to share there ideas with the world. It is not a place for children and never will be. The dark net must also be defeated, For lots of crime occurs on that side of the web. 24/09/2013 · Internet Use Disorder (IUD) is a not-yet-official mental health disorder, whereby sufferers find themselves addicted to the Internet. It sounds like the sort of hilarious excuse 14-year-olds make up when their mom asks why they spend all day online, but there’s a lot of researchout there that suggests it’s both very real and deeply unpleasant. But alas, steady internet is rarely our reality, and in many areas, monopolies or duopolies of Spectrum, A VPN can't solve a bad connection or other reasons behind your slow service, but it 3/08/2017 · The bad news is I've never known an ISP technician to show up on time. Be ready for a long, long wait. Eventually, if the problem is on their end -- and the key word is eventually -- they'll get 7/04/2020 · An internet worm is a malicious software program that spreads from device to device through computer networks. If any of your computers become infected by an internet worm or other malware, they may spontaneously generate network traffic without your knowledge, and cause your internet connection to appear slow. 16/02/2018 · This isn’t exclusive to bad pieces of advice. If you have an opinion at all, someone on the internet disagrees with you and definitely hates you for it. There is a lot of bad self help advice

16/05/2017 · So, let’s have a quick look at it: 29 Awesome Internet Facts. 1. Approximately 3.2 billion people use the internet.Out of this, 1.7 billion of internet users are Asians. In fact, it is estimated

The internet creates new services The growth of legal streaming helps to reduce online piracy. 'The Netflix Effect' - 40% of people copy or download less due to legal streaming services such a Netflix. It connects people regardless of distance. In the las During bad wind or rain storms you should expect poor quality internet, assuming you have internet at all. Poor latency or high ping rate. Latency and ping rate is essentially the same thing; they both test how long it takes to communicate between another computer, device, service or server in a network.

Internet is good and bad but mostly bad High use of the Internet can cause ADHD and kill brain cells. It can also cause cyber bullying and addiction.Kids these days use the internet to hurt other by example like facebook you can talk negative stuff about other people.Internet has caused many problems worldwide be it be bullying or hacking many people is being affected by this wide spread of

16/02/2018 · This isn’t exclusive to bad pieces of advice. If you have an opinion at all, someone on the internet disagrees with you and definitely hates you for it. There is a lot of bad self help advice 22/02/2017 · The problem of bad information and news making is not unique to the internet; there are lots of trashy magazines as well. We learn in schools to double-check our sources and not believe everything we read, and we can apply that skill whilst surfing the internet. Internet Brings More Harm Than Good The biggest negative impact of Internet is the ‘Internet Addiction Disorder’. Well, since the researches about this Internet disease are still going on, so it is hard to define it at this time. The person suffering from this disease behaves in the way as he/she is always on the Internet, even when there is no Internet.